Pet ownership and matches


Hello there,

I have always been curious about Chinese zodiac and have grown up in that culture.

I am ox and have been with my partner who's a rabbit for almost 5 years now, and funny enough, the match making advice on this site is quite accurate! That said, we have grown a lot together and have worked through a lot, and I know any relationship will continue to be a work in progress, does that we are doomed to fail?

Secondly, pet ownership, does presence of pets impact fortune? We current have two pet cats and one pet snake (tiny corn snake), does that impact either ox/rabbit in anyway? Or, together under one household? I am so curious because I have heard different interpretations that cats are not great, or they are, etc...

Any insights would be appreciated as I learn more.

Thank you all!

2 Answer(s)

Ox and Rabbit are okay in Chinese Astrology and you are not doomed to fail.

There is no problem for you to have cats and snake as your pets. These to animals are good to you.
My apologies I made a mistake, I meant to say ox (myself) and tiger (my partner), which I've only heard to be a low compatible partners in life, hope that doesn't change your answer regarding relationship longevity and pet ownership. Since, I've heard that general cats favour female occupants more so then for guys, is that a thing? Thanks again!

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