

I have2 small traingle and 1 big triangle on my lifeline
and under my thump I have 2 crosses on the left and right side
from under the Thumb.

I have a big Triangle between lifeline,headline and mercuryline this big triangle and in this big triangle is a small triangle
on the top in it.

I see that my lifeline take onother direction to the jupiterfinger
what all this mean? Thanks

1 Answer(s)

Hi eleonor,

The triangle on the life line usually indicates you are more vigorous than the average and you have a sophisticated conducting manner, thus always helped by others and greatly appreciated by your boss and colleagues; you will have a sound development whether being an official or go into business or start your own business, and you will have great achievements in career, thus very blessed.

2 crosses under my thumb reminds you should change your bad temper and learn to endure and be patient or you will make much troubles.

A big triangle between lifeline,headline and mercury line indicates you could get rich during your life.

Lifeline takes onother direction to the jupiter finger means you are diligent, optimistic, positive and have a strong thirst for knowledge. You could get a fame and prestige during the life.

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