Mount apollo
Asked by A***o |
I have 2 mount of apollo what does it mean?
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3 Answer(s)
Hi Annabel cipriano,
The Mount of Apollo is mainly related to emotion, interest, wealth and outlook on beauty. Two well developed Mount of Apollo shows you are very clever, mild and have an instinct for art and literature. You are very particular about clothes and like the house and office to be decorated elegantly and artistically. In wealth, you are easy to make money in business.
The Mount of Apollo is mainly related to emotion, interest, wealth and outlook on beauty. Two well developed Mount of Apollo shows you are very clever, mild and have an instinct for art and literature. You are very particular about clothes and like the house and office to be decorated elegantly and artistically. In wealth, you are easy to make money in business.
Are they developed well, flat or low?