Index finger is longer on right hand but shorter on left



My hands are asymetrical. My right has a longer index finger but my left has a longer ring finger. I am also a libra does this mean I have balance?

1 Answer(s)

Hi Brian,

For men, fingers of the left hand indicates what you are before 35 years old and the right hand is for you after 35 years old.

Men whose ring finger is longer than the index finger have more obvious masculine features. They are cordial, confident, sophisticated, understanding, reasonable and adventurous, and can quickly adapt to the new environment. Also, they are more likely to be a drunkard, brutal, aggressive, irritable, lack of judgment, and weak in controlling emotions and behaviors.

Men whose index finger is longer than ring finger have the female characteristics and are warm and mild in personality; also, they are as careful and patient as women, sensitive, modest, nervous, talented in art, good at oral expression, fond of vegetables, family-oriented and not promiscuous in sex relations.

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