House blessing date


Is Dec. 31 a favorable day for a house blessing? If not, what is the best day from Dec. 26, 2015-Jan 2 2016. Thank you.

7 Answer(s)

Hi juvy,

There is no auspicious dates for house blessing in Chinese almanac calendar as the Chinese people don't have the custom. I check the calendar and found Dec.31 clashes the people under the Pig sign and in things you should avoid there is no house blessing related events. So, I think it's auspicious for you to do so if your Chinese zodiac sign is not Pig.
Thank you very much!
Hi, what is the lucky date for the blessing of my house? My plan this coming july 23,2016. That is good?
Hi Irene,

July 23,2016 is ok for the blessing of house. But if your Chinese zodiac sign is Rat, avoid the date.
hi. what about august 18, 2016< is it ok?
Hello may zodiac sign is monkey. May 18 is ok for blessing house?
Hi Ivy,

Yes, May 18 is ok for you to do so.

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