Homewrecker, Yelling, Abuse


This was my friends dream and we are trying to figure it out. Mema (her grandmother) was sitting in the passenger seat Me and mom where sitting in the back seat and Kathy (her other grandmother that she hates) was driving.... Kathy was talking about having an affair and that she's leaving papa Bill (grandfather) for someone that's richer... I called her something I can't remember what exactly I said but it was somewhere along the line of your a homerecker... Then she said so you know everything!?
And I said YES. Then she grabbed my leg and pulled me to the front of the car she hit me in the stomach and she got in a car accident.

1 Answer(s)

Hi Dean Winchester,

The dream shows you may try to pursue perfect in recent days. However, nobody is perfect, you should not require everyone to be perfect. More understanding and tolerance are needed in your life. Your luck will fluctuate recently. You are not in the right track for your life and work. It reminds you correct yourself as soon as possible. As the dream is by your friend, it's for her.

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