Haircut and Fortune


I'd like to cut my hair and checked the auspicious dates to do it. But, I'd like to shorten my hair, maybe a bob, would it be lucky? I'd like to know what hairstyle would be good for a metal sheep like me. Lastly, what do I do to keep my fortune stable? I always seem to lose money even if I keep track of it properly.

1 Answer(s)

Hi tawiw,

It's ok for you to shorten your hair into a bob one. It will make you look more vigorous.

In this August, the 16th, 20th, 21th and 31th day are all auspicious dates for you to cut hair.

For the metal Sheep, the wealth fortune is not good. You are easy to lose money. You are suggested to take as less money as possible when you out. If possible, buy something that are permanently inflation-proofed in value instead of wasting your money.

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