fate and Sun line


I'm 20 years old guy,I have overlap of heart and head line,my fate line starts from mount of Moon and ends at mount of Saturn and at the end I got trident,also on sun line a got star.
my question is when will my life become according to these lines?
thank you

1 Answer(s)

Hi haider shah,

Overlap of heart and head line shows you have an extremely stubborn character. It’s usually a good sign for the male and bad one for the female. Most of the male having such a palm could get great success in career under their effort.

Your fate line shows you could get success owing to your good interpersonal relationship and creative talent. The people with such a line always have a faithful helpmate. A trident at the end of fate line indicates a famous and rich life.

The is on one side of the sun line suggests you will have special good luck and you may get windfall which will bring you happiness. If the star is at the center of the sun line, it suggests that you will have extremely good luck and often get help from others; you will have higher social status and fame after some efforts and you may become a renowned celebrity or successful person if your fate line is also good.

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