End of bad 10 year cycle


The worst 10 year cycle is coming to an end January 31 2017, however I am told my luck will not change for the better until September 2017, why is that?

3 Answer(s)

Hi Dkandfortythieves,

Who told you about that. Don't believe what the people said. Your destiny and fortune are grasped by your own hands. I never heard there are worst 10 year cycle for a person.
That's pretty worthless, everyone operates under 10 year luck cycles, what do you know about feng shui, 10 year luck cycles are the basics.
Feng Shui can only be a reference. If you belive it, it may take effects. If you don't it will not affect you. If you work hard and often do good deeds, everything could be changed for better. Do you think you emjoyed a very bad luck during the past years?

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