Birthday gregorian/lunar conversion


If I have a birthday in lunar calendar ....21st day of 10 month 1951 lunar calendar for example, that falls on Nov 19th, 1951 gregorian calendar. My question is, lets say its 2016, and I want to celebrate that birthday now, using the conversion, I find that 21st day of 10th month in 2016 falls on Nov 20.
So which one is it? Which one is more accurate?

1 Answer(s)

Hi Dan,

Your birthday is Nov 19th in Gregorian calendar and October 21st in Chinese lunar calendar.

There are two dates for you to choose to celebrate your birthday. One is by using the Gregorian date and the other is using the lunar date. If you celebrate your gregorian date birthday, it will be Nov 19th every year. If you use the lunar date, it will be different every year. For example, lunar date October 21st in 2016 falls on November 20th in Gregorian calendar, in 2017 it falls on October 8th, and in 2018 it falls on November 28th.

In China, people think the lunar birthday is accurate to calculate the age and like to celebrate their lunar birthday instead of Gregorian birthday especially in the old times. But now, more and more people also celebrate their Gregorian birthday. You can choose any of them to celerate or celebrate both the two. If you want the accurate one, you should celebrate your lunar birthday.

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