

My daughter is going to have a baby in June her due date is June 6 is that a good day or should she have the baby on the 8th or 9?



6 Answer(s)

Hi Mary,

Among the dates you refered, June 9th is an auspicious date for giving birth to a baby. But the day clashes with the people with the dragon zodiac sign. So, you should make sure her sign is not dragon.
Thank you so much she is an ox.
Her due date is the 6th I don't know if she can wait till the 9th. Her Chinese Zodiac sigh is OX

June 6th clashes with the Ox people, it's not a good day for her. June 7 and 8 are both ok.

Besides the ninth day, June 2nd is also an auspicious date to give birth.
Thank you so much for your wisdom. I have a friend is schedule to have c-sections on May 22 and she is also an OX people Is that an auspicious date?

Thank you very much!
My daughter decided to have her c-section on the 8th because she may not be able to wait until the 9. Can you tell me what is the best auspicious time to schedule the delivery?

Thank you very much!

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