Best month to have a baby in 2018 for a dog and tiger


My partner is a dog and I'm a tiger. We plan to have a baby in 2018. Want month would best suit us. He is born in November 27 1981 and I am October 29 1986

6 Answer(s)

If your baby will be born in January, February, March, August or December of 2018, he/she would be good for you.
My husband and I are both goats. We have a son, who is a rabbit. We are thinking of expanding our family within these 2 years. Which year is a better year to have another child, whose horoscope is most suitable with all of us? Rooster or Dog?
Hi Babybug,

Better plan to have another baby boy in the Dog year. Both the Rabbit and Goat could be compatible with the Dog.

Rooster is not compatible with the Rabbit. So, there may be some problem with the two children.
Im born 8 jul 1984, husband 30 jul 1985. Which month/s could be best to have a dog child in 2018?
Hi J,

As your husband is under the Ox sign. It's not good for him to have a Dog child because Ox and Dog are not compatible in most cases. If you could plan to have a pig child, tha't better. Pig baby should be born during 02/05/2019-01/24/2020. So, you can plan to try during the second half of 2018.
My partner is a horse (01/19/91) and I'm an ox (04/04/85) what month would be best to have a child in 2018?

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