Best Day to open a business


I am a female whose birth Date was June 1, 1968. (Gemini/Monkey)
I am working to run a business in thermal massage chairs and bed.
I want to know my lucky color, lucky number
and when is the best date to open this Oct., 2016
Thank you

4 Answer(s)

Hi tutsy,

Your lucky numbers include 1, 5, 7, 8, 14、23、32.

Yellow, orange, white, golden and blue are your lucky colors.

During the rest of October, Oct. 21st, Oct. 27th and Oct.31st are auspicious date to open your business.
hi, i am a female whose birth day was on September 3, 1985 (virgo/ox)
i want to know when is the best date to open a business this month of November 2016
i am running now my business permit of rolling store/chicken joy.
i want to know also my lucky numbers and my lucky colors
thank you and God Bless!
thanks for the reply. how about this coming november? whats the best date to open my business? pls reply
Hi gutsy,

Auspicious dates for you to open business in November include:

Nov. 1st (Clash Snake), 2nd (Clash Horse), 5th (Clash Rooster), 8th (Clash Rat), 11th (Clash Rabbit), 14th (Clash Horse), 23rd (Clash Rabbit), 29th (Clash Rooster)

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