Baby sex predicte


If I have sex on 6th day of my period which baby I get

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Chinese Gender Predictor

5 Answer(s)

Hi Aishwarya barad,

This couldn't be used to predict your baby's gender. Chinese baby gender prediction chart uses the mother-to-be's lunar age and lunar conception month to decide the baby's gender. If you want to predict, let me know your date of birth and last period date in Gregorian calendar.
If I have sex on 6th day of my period which baby I get. My birthday is on 15/4/1990 I want to convince today 28/10/2016
If you conceive today, your lunar conception month is September. Lunar age at the time of conception is 27. Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
Thank you.but you sure I get baby boy. I am trying for boy itself. Many charts I saw all have different information. I am so confused. Today if I convince I get baby boy. And which date I should convey to get boy baby
No one could make sure you could conceive baby boy. This could only help you increase the chance.

According to Chinese baby pregnancy calendar, if you last period is during one of the following periods, you have more chances to conceive baby boy on your ovulation date.
October 1, 2016 - November 28, 2016
December 29, 2016 - December 31, 2016

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