2 fork marriage lines


Hi! I just want to ask about my marriage line. I have 2 marriage lines both sloping downward and ending in a fork. What does it mean?

4 Answer(s)

Hi Arlyn Aquino,

They are good signs for marriage. The downward and ending in a fork marriage lines usually indicate marriage crises and separation.
Does it mean I'll get married twice and separate twice?? ^~^
No, it doesn't indicate you will get married twice and separate twice. It indicates you may separate or divorce. If you could try to marriage your life well, the marriage lines may change to be better in the future and you will not separate or divorce.

If the fork touch the heart line, you have a more chance to live apart or divorce.
Nope. They don't touch the heart line. Thanks for the info.^_^ God bless...

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