Will I have a boyfriend or husband in the near future?


My DOB is April 1975 (yr of rabbit). Sorry, don't know the exact day because I was born during a War so things were extremely chaotic. My mom just randomly put dates for my siblings and I. We had to flee our country to immigrate to USA. My mom said that I was born between April 15-25, 1975. Don't know if it will interfere with the accuracy of your reading if I don't know the exact day. Just try as best as you can. My month (April) and year (1975) is correct. Will I have a boyfriend in 2016 or husband in the future? Thanks.

3 Answer(s)

You may have a boy friend at the end of the year.
Hellow Sgem,

Judging from your birth month and birth year, you don't have any auspicious star for love. It means in your life, you are hard to meet a man you are satisfied with or the man who is interested in you.

But don't be upset. Desitiny is in your own hands, I think you could change it with your great effort.
Will my ex boyfriend (DOB Feb 7, 1968) & I (DOB April 1975) get back together in the future?

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