What type of person will I get married?


I have a round face, small nose, and monolid eyes.
DOB Oct.20 94, born Seattle Washington @10:18pm or 22:18pm

12 Answer(s)

Hi Miyuki nojiri,

Your future life partner will be a person also is fat and also has a round face.

The person will be a mature and clever one but not good at social skills thus has a poor interpersonal relationship.
Will I have any money problems when I marry my partner?
Hi Miyuki nojiri,

You will have no money problems when you marry your partner. But the life will also not be so rich as well.
Will I have any problems in the future with him?
Hi Miyuki nojiri,

Yes, you will have problems in your future marriage. You couldn't expect your marriage will be full of romance. It needs more efforts to communicate and care for you to make your marriage life go more smoothly.
How will I meet my future partner? Though a mutual friend?
Put your two palms together and see the position of heart lines on both palms. Which one is higher? The heart line on your right palm or left palm is higher? Or they are of the same position?
I want to say that its in the same position but my right hand is slight bigger then my left hand.
You are likely to fall in love with a friend around you and get married with him.
When will I meet him?
You may meet him in 2019 year of the Pig.
His personality?

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