The Chinese baby gender prediction is based on the mother-to-be's Chinese lunar age at the time of conception and lunar conception month. Your lunar age at the time of conception is 26 and lunar conception month is July. Check them in the birth chart, you will get a baby girl.
Please note, this is only one of the ways to predict. It's not 100% accurate and couldn't be as accurate as ultrasound. The result is just for your reference.
The Chinese baby gender prediction is based on the mother-to-be's Chinese lunar age at the time of conception and lunar conception month. Your lunar age at the time of conception is 26 and lunar conception month is July. Check them in the birth chart, you will get a baby girl.
Please note, this is only one of the ways to predict. It's not 100% accurate and couldn't be as accurate as ultrasound. The result is just for your reference.