Weird line


What does it mine a long line between my heart line and head line? this one comes from my left side of my right hand, passes ascending the center of my hand and just at that point it goes down, crosses my head line and end touching my life line.

Also, I can`t find marriage lines on my right hand but I do see them at the pure side, which I had Heard they're the children lines or something like that. I also can see better that marriage line on my left hand.

In case needed, I'm woman, 23 yo

1 Answer(s)

Hi Marcal,

When reading your palm, the left hand usually represents what you were born with physically and materially and the right hand represents what you become after grown up.

I'm not sure what the long line is between your heart line and head line.

If you don’t have marriage line, it means you have no desire to love. You are not interested in or couldn’t be attracted by the opposite sex. You usually don't pay much attention on marriage and may be sexless. Instead, you like to focus more on your hobbies or career. If you are younger than 20, you may don’t have a marriage line. As you grow older and contact more with opposite sex, the marriage line may appear. If you already married and don’t have the line, the most case is that you don't have interest in your partner.

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