Want to know baby gender


My name is Romilda
DOB 17 may 1992
Due date is 26 March 2017

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

3 Answer(s)

Dear Romilda,

Please don't post the same question for several times. We've deleted your other same questions.

According to Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart, you are carrying a baby girl now. Here is the result:

Your lunar date of conception: 5th Lunar month, 29th Lunar Day
Lunar age at the time of conception: 25
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
My name is Destiny.
DOB 26 may 1987
Due date is 19 of August 2017.
Please what is the possible sex if my baby.
Hi Destiny,

Your lunar month of conception : October
Lunar age at the time of conception: 30
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl

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