unlucky number 4?


Hi, my hubby (snake born 1965) and I (goat born 1967) purchased a house, and the address is the number 4. We also have a son who is a rat born 1996, if that matters. I hear the number 4 is an unlucky number, what can we do to change it??

p/s sorry but I previously posted this with the wrong goat year as 1965

4 Answer(s)


When mention to the number 4, the Chinese people usually associate it with death. So, it's disliked by the Chinese people like the western people don’t like the number 13. But it also has a good meaning as it has the same pronunciation with the word '? (fortune)' in Chinese.

I checked unlucky numbers from here https://www.yourchineseastrology.com/lucky-number.htm and found 4 is not an unlucky number for you three. You can see 4 is an lucky number for the Goat. So, it doesn't matter to have the number 4 for your house address.
thank you!
Your house is seating NW facing SE . 乾宅 。Thus this house is very good for the father in this family. If I am correct your husband is either a businessman or assuming a high position in the company ( if not self employ ) .

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