Tel the gender


This is true baby pridiction calander conseption date 4jan 2016. My date of birth 1976 October 19 pl tel me the gender

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

5 Answer(s)

Hi Samreen,

Your Lunar date of conception : Nov. 25th
Lunar age at the time of conception: 40
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
This is the prediction result by using Chinese baby gender chart.

You can also check your children line on your palm to see if you will have baby boy or girl. The deep and wide children lines indicates boys. The narrow and shallow children lines are signs of getting baby girls.
i got pregnant on 07/011/16 and my date of birth is 23/08/1990
Hi raji,

Chinese baby gender prediction chart's result:
Lunar conception month: November
Lunar age at the time of conception: 26
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl

You are suggested to use more ways to predict your baby's gender by following the ways at:
my last periid date is 18 jan 2016 and now i am pregnant. my date of birth is 6 sep 1985
Dear renu,

You may get a baby boy:
Your lunar date of conception : Dec. 9th
Lunar age at the time of conception: 31
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy

Some easy ways for you to predict your baby's gender by overserving your phsical, facial, and habbit changes:

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