Problems in my couple with dragon my husband what do ?
Asked by S***a |
He is indefidel ,
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4 Answer(s)
He had a virtual relationship with a girl since 2014. This mounth they met each other for first time and they had sex together once. I knew it because he had some condoms in his bag before he traveled. And back home some was missing so we had some discussion about it , he told finally what happened. He told me that he regret but I don't believe him anymore. But I am sure that is the first time he had that kind of relationship. We have met each other 20years ago and got married 14 years ago. I am worried about our future now
He cheats you from 2014 to 2018. I don't think you should believe him anymore. For a person, his nature is hard to change. If he has the first time, he will have the second time. Very few people could change his nature. This is my opinion.
What's the problem in detail?