Many deaths


In my dreams I see lot and lot of blood, from everypary of the body. I also see lots of people. All their blood that comes out really scares me. At the end of every dream I die horribly by getting my toes and fingers cut of, get all of my hair and teeth pulled out, get drill bits stuck in my back and then lastly getting my spine ripped out. I have no idea what this means, can you help me?

1 Answer(s)

In the traditional interpretation of dreams, people often take the dream about death as a hint of new birth or the change of living conditions of you or people around.

Dreaming about your own death means that you don't have to worry about life; you will have more and more wealth; you will be in good health and live a long life. Also, it indicates that you will start a new life or have changes in your life to start a new stage of life.

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