Looking for Sources regarding the Zodiac Stories listed on YourChineseAstrology


Hello! I'm doing research on origin stories for the zodiac animals, and the ones covered here are rather unique and interesting: I was wondering if you had any sources for them so I could study them further, as they explore personalities and idiosyncrasies in the zodiacal animals in a way none of the other established versions have. The only source I was able to find was "The Rooster's Antlers: A Story of the Chinese Zodiac", by Eric A. Kimmel, which is a modern take on a classic tale but not based on any ancient literature. I couldn't find anything for the Tiger's story, the overlap of the Banquet/Race with Nuwa and Fuu's flood stories, and the Rabbit and Ox story seem like an apt adaptation of the Turtle and the Hare but other than that I couldn't find anything.

If anyone knows, please inform me! I'd really like to be able to include these in my research.

1 Answer(s)

Maybe the References part of Chinese Zodiac on wiki can help you.

Good luck

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