I want to know my baby gender


I'm 11week pregnant now my last lmp was 4march doc said my due date is 9dec but not sure as it is approx I want to know if it goes before Dec like Nov 28th or later 12dec or something like this so how do I predict my baby gender my dob is 16 March 1988

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Chinese Gender Predictor

2 Answer(s)

Hi Ntiwari,

The Chinese baby gender prediction chart uses your lunar conception month and lunar age at the time of conception to predict your baby's gender. Your conception date is the last period time which is 4 March. In Chinese lunar calendar, it refers to the month of January. Your Chinese lunar age at the time of conception is 29. Check these two imforation from the baby gender chart, I got you may get a baby girl.
I checked my result is coming opp it's a boy last lmp is different And the conception date is different n they ask for conception date which is coming in Feb according to lunar so confused

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