I want to know my baby gender


My sisters DOB is 28th December 1985 and LMP 10th July 2014. I want to know the baby gender it's a boy or girl. ?

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

7 Answer(s)

Are you sure her LMP is 10th July 2014? I think her son/daughter must has already been born.
Yes, already born but I just want to know.
The Chinese Age when she conceived is 31, and the conception month is June in Chinese lunar month. By checking the Chinese baby gender chart, she is likely to get baby girl.

Am' I right?

She is having baby boy.
So, the baby gender is just for fun. You couldn't believe it completely. This is no scientific evidence to show it's correct.
My birthday is 4 august 1984 ad my last lmp is nov 28, 2014. So i want to knw baby girl or boy. Just fun.
Hello Suman,

You may get a girl

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