I want know my baby gender
Asked by A***y |
My d.o.b is 9.5.1995
My l.m.p is 16.1.2020 pls reply baby boy or girl?
My l.m.p is 16.1.2020 pls reply baby boy or girl?
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2 Answer(s)
Plsss reply me
Hi Anitha vijay,
Here is the prediction result for your unborn baby's gender based on the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart:
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
His Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Lunar month when baby conceived: the 12th Lunar month
Mother's lunar age at conception: 25
Here is the prediction result for your unborn baby's gender based on the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart:
Prediction of Baby Gender: Boy
His Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Lunar month when baby conceived: the 12th Lunar month
Mother's lunar age at conception: 25