I want a baby girl


Hello im in 10 weeks now my due is jan.2 2018 is it posible a girl?

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

9 Answer(s)

Hi Lourie,

The prediction is based on your lunar age at the time of conception and lunar conception month. Please let me know your date of birth and last period first date.
October 24,1977 my date of birth....may last peeiod is march 25 2017
Hi may 4,1979 my date of birth last period feb 10 its posible tobe a girl tnx
Hi Joan,

According to Chinese Gender Chart, you are carrying a baby boy. It may not right to you. You'd better use more ways to predict:
Hi Lourie,

Your lunar conception month: February
Lunar age at the time of conception: 41
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
My date of birth is 26/09/1987 my last period was 15/02/2017. I really want baby girl
Hi Daneshwari,

Based on your age and conception time, you will get a baby boy. Just for fun. You may also get a girl because the Chinese Gender prediction chart is not accurate for everyone.
Hi my name is Abigail Cruz I juts had a baby 11 months ago and now I'm pregnant again my last period was June 5 2017 and got pregnant July 1 2017 my birthday is dec 20 1978.... i want a girl but if it's a boy it's ok as long as it a healthy baby
Hi Abby,

Your lunar conception month: May
Lunar age at the time of conception: 40
Prediction of Baby Gender based on Chinese Baby Gender Chart: Girl

Just for your reference.

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