How long is my life span born in 1953


I want to know how much longer can I live ? Will I die peacefully in bed or suicide? Thks

3 Answer(s)

You can check your palm line. It's said if there is a line starting from the base of the thumb and running through your life line towards the base of your palm, you have much tendencies of suicide.

How long will you live is decided by many factors. Your health condition, your attitude towards life, your diet, daily habit... If your life span can be predicted, there will be no meaning of life.
Your "lifespan" is based on the visa you have for your current reality. Only you, those authorized to know and the authorities know. What you do, regardless "privately" or "publicly" will contribute to your evolution, which also contributes to your other realities.

Thus, be aware of the company around you. They reflect a lot about "yourself" which can be used as a basis, as a pivot point to determine where you want to go. Your company can bring you up or drag you down.
What they sow, you are a part of them; what they reap, you reap as well.

Cherish the "good" you already have. Do not intentionally offend others, if you do that, you are opening yourself to the same experience you do to others.
Each reality is an opportunity to cultivate to better realities. Ask yourself, where do you want to go?
How long will you live is decided by yourself. As long as keep a happy mood everyday, you could live over 100. LOL.

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