If you were born between 02/06/1970 and 01/26/1971, your Chinese sign is Dog.
2015 doesn't favor you too much based on Chinese astrology. Your fortune will turn to be better in 2016 year of the Monkey. There will be many chances for you in work. If you want to change job, you can have a try. If you stay in the present company, you need to try best to grasp and take those good chances.
In terms of chances of settling down abroad, you have chances if you make full preparation for that.
If you were born between 02/06/1970 and 01/26/1971, your Chinese sign is Dog.
2015 doesn't favor you too much based on Chinese astrology. Your fortune will turn to be better in 2016 year of the Monkey. There will be many chances for you in work. If you want to change job, you can have a try. If you stay in the present company, you need to try best to grasp and take those good chances.
In terms of chances of settling down abroad, you have chances if you make full preparation for that.