Dreamt about been given very big fish


Hi,in my dream I was given big fishes have never seen such big in my real life,so I put them on bare floor to get a big tank with water to put them,getting back I couldn't find any them,but saw the traces of how they escaped,the after that I search and at the end deviced a method to catch them,so I put a bowl of water in all location I guess they might be and after that all of them came inside the bowl except one which is also very big if not thy biggest,later I found out it was hiding under the carpet and on opening to see underneath,I met a snake instead which I hit so bad but escaped,please I need an explanation about it. Thanks

1 Answer(s)

Hi Maxwell,

Your dream about fishes indicates that you will get properties, live a happy life or may be invited to attend a wedding.

The latter part which you hit the snake and it escaped is a reflection deficiency of the kidney or poor health. Also, it may indicates you suspect the one who is in fact very loyal to you.

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