Different number in formula 1 and 2


I am getting even number in formula 1 and odd mumber in formula 2 ... Which should i follow... I checked chinese calender its clear for me but little confused in formula ... Plz suggest me.. Which one is more reliable ?

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

4 Answer(s)

Hi Ami,

Please let me know the date of birth of you and your husband. Also tell me your LMP date. I'll help you check again.
My DOB 8/25/81.
Hubby 12/13/1976
LMP date- 1/2/2017
Hello dear. Waiting for your reply..thanks
Formula One:
49 + (Mother’s Chinese lunar conception month) – (the Chinese lunar age at the time the mother got pregnant) + 19

Formula Two:
(Father’s last two numbers in birth year + birth month + birth day) + (Mother’s last two numbers in birth year + birth month + birth day) + (conception month) – 19

Both of them shows Girl. But the chart shows you are likely to get baby boy.

Just for fun. Don't take them seriously.

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