Dates selection



I seek your kind assistance to select a few auspicious dates for the following:
1)to remove an existing tree from the front & back garden of my home
2)to replant a new tree in the front & back garden of my home
3)Renovation- painting & drilling

Front of house facing south west, back of house facing east.
Horoscopes of family members living in the house: Monkey, Dog, Dragon, Rooster

Thank you.

3 Answer(s)

Hi Angie,

There is no auspicious dates for removing or replanting trees in Chinese almanac calendar. So, I couldn't offer you the dates.

For auspicious renovation date, could you please tell me the month you prefer to do it as in each month there are lucky dates for renovation. There are too many to list here.
Dear Michelle,
1)The tree is a red palm. It was planted for auspicious when we first move in 28 years ago. It is now not growing well, is it ok to remove it on any day.
2)Kindly provide all available auspicious renovation dates for the month of Mar/Apr'16. This is so that we have a few options for the contractor.
Look forward to your reply. Thank you.
Dear Angie,

1. You can choose any date that doesn't clash with your sign to move it. Click to check if the date clashes with your sign.

2. For auspicious renovation date during March and April, you can choose the following date. I think your sign is Dog, the dates are all good for the Dog:

March 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 14, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30
April 1, 2, 12, 14, 15

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