conception date for boy baby


My wife dob is 13-7-1983 last periods date are Feb 20, arp-1 can u tell 0vulation date for boy baby & send me chart of ovulation date

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Chinese Gender Predictor

5 Answer(s)

hi my dob is 12/14/77 my lmp was 3/27 what are the dates I can get pregnant for boy thanks
Hi chetanchandraj,

The Chinese baby gender chart shows the best for you wife to conceive a baby boy include:
April 7, 2016 - May 6, 2016
November 29, 2016 - March 27, 2017

So, the last period of your wife you should happen during the above time. But according to the periods you offered, her next period may happen around May 11. It's not in the above dates. So, if yuo belive the calendar, you could only wait to her period in December and try on her ovulation date in January of 2017.

To my opinion, the chart is not correct to everyone. You should not rely too much on it.
Hi Dinora,

If your last period is during the following time, you can try to do on your ovalation date after the period:
March 9- April 6, 2016
May 7- June 4, 2016
July 4 - August 31, 2016
October 1 - October 30, 2016
November 29 - December 28, 2016

Your last period is among the above date, so you can try on your ovulation date which may happends around May 10th if your average cycle length is 28 days.
Hi can we try this month within May 6 whether above dates u have given (April 7-may 6) is conception date we should try in that date clarify us.

Hi chetanchandraj,

Chinese baby gender chart uses mother's first day of last period as the conception date. So, the date April 7 - May 6 refers to the mother's period should happen during the this time not the time you should try. The time you should try is the ovulation period after her menstual period.

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