Chinese name for newborn babygirl


My baby was born on 23 June 2017 , 08.55 (GMT+7). her name is Joanna Chloe. My husband name 杨志良 and me 谢璲因..I would like to give her chinese name and hope my baby will be a wise and humble person.
Any suggestion will help me a lot.

1 Answer(s)

Hi Kathy Angriani,

I suggest you give her name as 杨淑颖. 淑 means virtuous and 颖 means clever. Or 杨谦颖. 谦 means humble.

Following are also auspicious names for your baby born in the Rooster year 2017.
杨美琳 pretty, kindhearted and active
杨语嫣 nice and bright
杨茹雪 as pure as snow
杨雅琳 very graceful
杨婉婷 gentle and beautiful
杨美莲 as beautiful as lotus and elevated in character
杨雅静 gentle and quiet
杨依娜 having a supple and graceful bearing

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