Can you please tell me exact dates to have a boy.
Asked by L***a |
Hi this is lasya , and we are trying to have our first baby and I want a boy . So can you please send me exact dates when should I plan in 2016 . My date of birth is 06/22/1990 . And also can you tell me how could I make my body suitable for baby boy. What should I eat n all.
I got different dates with calculator n that of birt chart so what should I prefer I don't understand.
I got different dates with calculator n that of birt chart so what should I prefer I don't understand.
According to Chinese baby gender chart, in western calendar you best conceiving time in 2016 include:
August 3 - August 31
September 1 - September 30
October 1 - October 31
November 1 - November 28
December 29 - December 31
Your menstrual period should happen during one of the above time, and then you could plan to try on your ovulation date after that.
Your husband should avoid smoking in order to have a baby boy. You should ear more Alkalescent food and your husband acidic food.