best marriage date


female born on 2 october 1986
male born on 29 september 1990

1 Answer(s)

Hi Simmira,

The female is under the Tiger sign and male is under the horse sign.

Chinese lunar April and May are best two months. In 2017, it's from April 26, 2017 to June 23, 2017.

During this period, auspicious marriage date include:
May: 3rd (Clash Monkey), 5th (Clash Dog), 7th Sun. (Clash Rat), 11th (Clash Dragon), 16th (Clash Rooster), 17th (Clash Dog), 19th (Clash Rat), 20th Sat. (Clash Ox), 23rd (Clash Dragon), 28th Sun. (Clash Rooster), 31st (Clash Rat)

June: 3rd Sat. (Clash Rabbit), 4th (Clash Dragon), 10th Sat. (Clash Dog), 11th Sun. (Clash Pig), 13th (Clash Ox), 16th (Clash Dragon), 19th (Clash Sheep), 23rd (Clash Pig)

You can choose any of the dates above.

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