Baby Gender



Last mensus was on may 14 , 2016 .
My date of birth : 2 November 1988.

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

7 Answer(s)


Based on Chinese Baby Gender Chart, your lunar conception month is April.
Lunar age at the time of conception is 29.
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl

Here are more easy ways to predict what you are carrying:
Last period time. 4 December 2016. My date of birth 24 January 1989
Hi Kaur mandeep,

Your lunar conception month: November
Lunar age at the time of conception: 29
Prediction of Baby Gender: Girl
hi I asked my last men's on 9, Aug. 2016 My date of birth 7 June 1988
I want to conceive a baby boy when is the best time my dob10/15/1986
Hi Roopaganapathi,

Your best conceiving time for baby boy in 2017 include:
January 1 - February 25
March 28 - April 25

You can try on your ovulation date to increase the chance if your last period is in January.

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