26th July 2016 is an auspicious date for giving birth instead of 27th July. But I'm not sure your date of birth. If you were born in the Rabbit year, the day will not fit you. If you are not Rabbit sign, that's a very good date.
Auspicious time on the day include: 23:00-00:59, 03:00-04:59, 05:00-06:59, 11:00-12:59, 13:00-14:59, 15:00-16:59
26th July 2016 is an auspicious date for giving birth instead of 27th July. But I'm not sure your date of birth. If you were born in the Rabbit year, the day will not fit you. If you are not Rabbit sign, that's a very good date.
Auspicious time on the day include:
23:00-00:59, 03:00-04:59, 05:00-06:59, 11:00-12:59, 13:00-14:59, 15:00-16:59