Auspicious Day & Time for C-Sec


May I know which day is auspicious day to give birth? Was given this two weeks to choose (26 Sept to 9 Oct).

hubby: 10 Apr 1980 (Monkey)
wife: 19 Oct 1982 (Dog)
1st child: 29 Dec 2013 (Snake)

Thank you so much.

3 Answer(s)

HI gshz,

Only two dates - Oct. 2nd (Clash Pig) and Oct. 6th (Clash Rabbit) are auspicious for you to do c-section in your referred period.
Thanks Maria...

What is the auspicious time for this two dates (2nd Oct & 6 Oct)?
Auspicious time for 2nd Oct:
01:00-03:00, 11:00-15:00, 19:00-23:00

Auspicious time for 6th Oct:
03:00-07:00, 11:00-15:00, 17:00-19:00

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