about my fate and destiny and fortune...


I'm a boy;I just want to know about my carrier,Personality and about my fate.........Thank you
Date of Birth:15 April 1997
Time of Birth:06:30 PM
Place of birth:Islamabad,Pakistan

4 Answer(s)

Hi Haider Kazmi,

You are diligent, clever, enterprising, loyal, patient, responsible and with a feeling for justice. While you are strong-willed, lack flexibility, arbitrary and like to walk into a blind alley at the same time.

There will be no worry of money in your life as you are industrious and thrifty in managing the household. But there are always changes for your career. You should avoid works related to fire.

The year you should watch out are when you are 21, 26, 46, 39, 49, 56 and 78 years old.
Is there any name or fame in my life?
If you have a good sun line and fate line on palm, you will have a fame in life.
Yes at this time my Fate line stars from mount of Moon and ends at mount of satrun and at the end of fate line I got trident
and on Sun line the cross papers and now that cross converting to star I can see it
At which age this Palm live telling about me will come true?

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