What work should one do if you do not have money line


What work can some one who does not have money line do to succeed in life

4 Answer(s)

Hi Pupson,

If you don't have money line, don't worry about it too much. Palm lines are not fixed in one's life, it changes with years and changes with your character's change. If you try to work hard, enrich yourself and try to improve your ability in making money in the next years, the money line may appear in your palm.

It's hard to tell you what what work you should do. To different people, the suitable work differs. You should do what you are good at and interested in.
Thank you for your prompt responds ,the answer has been helpful
If faith line has star at the end what should it mean ?
The star at the end of fate line suggests the change of fate or the disaster in your later age.

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