Tell me best dates for conceiving a baby boy
Asked by S*** |
I have a little girl now I want to complete my family so I want a baby boy so tell the best dates for conceiving a baby boy. My date of birth is 10/12/88.
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4 Answer(s)
Thanks....for telling me these dates. I want to know one thing more how can I know my ovulation date. Can u tell me.... my period date is 4/2/17 at night 10pm.
The simple way to calculate your ovulatory date is to count back 14 days from your next period. You can use this Ovulation Date Calculator to find out your ovulation period. The sixth day of ten-day ovulation period is your ovulation date.
If you period is not regular, better buy an ovulation test paper or other ovulation prediction kits to test.
If you period is not regular, better buy an ovulation test paper or other ovulation prediction kits to test.
January 28 - February 25
December 18 - December 31
If your period is during January 28 - February 25, you'd better grasp the chance to try on your ovulation date after the period for baby boy.