sun line and fate line


Hi, my sun line starts from the base and ends in the middle of the hand (fig 2) but when it ends it touches the fate line. What does it mean?
In my left hand is almost the same but it doesn't touch the fate line

p.s: I also have a little parallel line at the base of my middle finger that ends at the heart line and is crossed with a lot of lines, some crosses and stars (also in my left hand but in my left hand the parallel lines are three, it's kinda confusing in both hands.

3 Answer(s)

How about your fate line?

Parallel lines at the base of my middle finger crossed with a lot of lines, some crosses and stars indicate that you are talented in many aspects, efficient in both brainy and brawny activities and adaptable, thus a versatile talent. Also, you are very popular and widely loved by others.
My fate line starts at the heart line, touching it.
Thank you!
I also just noticed that fate line ends touching my life line.
Thank you again!

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