predict weather its a boy or girl


I want to know the gender of my baby

May You Interest

Chinese Gender Predictor

11 Answer(s)

Hi, I'd like to help you.

Please let me know your date of birth and conception date.
Pls guoguo pls help me too
My date of birth is Dec 16 1985 and I got my last periods on 12 th may 2015 missed my periods from June pls predict its a boy or girl
Hi Sweety,

I checked the Chinese baby gender chart for you and it shows you are likely to get a baby boy. Do you want a boy?
Ya thank u so much guoguo actually we are two girls for my parents and my mom's wish is to have a grandson thank u
Pls guoguo pls help me too
Dear Sweety,

What can I help you?
Hi guoguo I am happy about my sister she is also conceived pls tell me wether the baby is a boy or girl. Her date of birth is May 16 1987 and she got here last periods in September and missed from October pls tell me
Hi Sweety,,

The Chinese baby gender prediction chart shows your sister will also get a baby boy.
Thank u guoguo

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