please help me to explain


Dear, Sir

Now day I have two family live in one house (my sister family and my family), my sister family they put Feng Shui Item like Horses, Rooster, Elephant. This is my DOB: April/07/1984 and my wife DOB July/06/1988. I ask my sister family to remove all Item from our home they said can't remove and now day i feel not good. what happen with me and my wife? How to change and protect my Feng Shui? please help me to explain. Thanks for helping me.

Best regards

Cool Viland

2 Answer(s)

Hi Viland cool,

Rooster and Elephant are okay to put in your family. There is some problem with the Horse sign with you under the Rat sign (no effect to your wife) because Horse and Rat conflict with each other. If the horse is in their bedroom, it doesn't matter, if it's in the room you share together such as in the living room, it's not good for you.
It will affect your career, marriage life or health. The best way is to move it.

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