My marriage line is different from every picture showed here


I had a straight marriage line i remember..and it changed all of a sudden. Now I have a line which is cut off in the middle. The upper line is positioned downwards whereas the lower line continues straight just under the upper line. The lines are really close but they don't touch each other and now it's almost like a shape of an eye.

5 Answer(s)

Hi Theeb,

Seperation of marriage line is not a good sign in palmistry. If the gap is large, it indicates you will have setbacks in love, disappointed in a love affair or divorce with partner. If the gap is not large, it indicates conflicts with love or seperation with love for few times, you could finally be good again. Just for your reference.
I have two marriage line both are dark and going downward but there a some distance between both of them from heart line and also second line is smaller than first one any going parallel. what does it mean
Hi Amit saini,

Two marriage line running parallel with different lengths indicates you are easy to fall into love-triangle situations.

Just for your reference.
I have 3 marriage lines and two are much dark and 2 one is short but dark. My mind is puzzling..

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