Is being a social worker a good career choice for a Snake woman?


Hello all!

I'm wondering whether working as a social worker is considered to be a good career choice for a Snake woman? Generally speaking, of course.

1 Answer(s)

Hi Anna,

It's said the people under the Snake sign are fit to those works from which they could fully show their talent. Tasks which are stressful, heavy, mindless and repetitive should be avoided to choose and not fit for the Snake. In art, culture, aesthetics and literature fields, they could develop their full abilities. The Snake people usually have a strong sixth sense and keen intuition. So, in the field of religion, they can work happily. Besides, suitable jobs for them include TV presenter, model, athlete, designer and more.

If to be a social worker could makes you show your talent well, that's a very good choice. If it's too stressful and a heavy work, better don't choose it.

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