You are metal Monkey in Chinese astrology. Your best match is Rat, Dragon or Snake.
In 2017, you will be blessed by Hongluan Star. This star is an auspicious star in charge of people's marriage and love, so you will have very good development in love relationship. However, you will at the same time be affected by the inauspicious star Guasu which will make you tend to be high-hearted. If you are not too picky about your future partner, you have a chance to start a relationship.
You are metal Monkey in Chinese astrology. Your best match is Rat, Dragon or Snake.
In 2017, you will be blessed by Hongluan Star. This star is an auspicious star in charge of people's marriage and love, so you will have very good development in love relationship. However, you will at the same time be affected by the inauspicious star Guasu which will make you tend to be high-hearted. If you are not too picky about your future partner, you have a chance to start a relationship.